I am a veteran journalist and editor who has had staff positions on the SF Examiner/Chronicle, People magazine, Cooking Light magazine, Martha Stewart’s Body + Soul, Cooks Illustrated and Walking magazine. My stories have appeared in such print publications as the Sunday The New York Times, Newsday, AARP magazine and The Boston Globe. I was a founding editor of PBS’ “Next Avenue” website for boomers, where I wrote 100 blogs and features. I spent two years with the New Jersey State Troopers writing an on-the-job book called “Troopers.” I have written for Huffington Post and PurpleClover.com. I also do college essay coaching. I hold a master’s in journalism from Boston University. The blogs presented here represent my electronic writings. I have been published since I was in college, and have no way to post those stories, if I could even locate them. I am not, for the record, Jon Stark (Lord Snow), Tony Stark (Ironman), John Starks (NBA), or Revolutionary Gen. John Robert Stark (we even share the same middle name) who coined the phrase, “Live Free or Die.” which is on every New Hampshire license plate. I am semi-retired and live in Palm Springs.
Please contact me at johnrstark73@gmail.com.